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Jamaica Hospital Medical Center’s Critical Time Intervention program provides care management services for adults with serious mental illness. CTI model is a time-limited form of case management (9 months) that focuses on helping people with severe mental illness and a history of homelessness. The goal is to address problems in access to and delivery of services by creating relationships between clients and individuals in the community and reinforcing existing relationships. Our clinical teams utilize an evidence based approach to provide intensive outreach, engagement and care coordination services to these individuals.

Case Managers provide Critical Time Intervention services and carry a caseload. Care managers develop the person-centered care plan, share knowledge of community resources, provide linkage to resources, engage individuals in skill building, offer crisis management, collaborate with other providers, assist individuals in navigating complex systems, and work with informal supports. Care Managers have care coordination skills that are needed for the population and setting.

We are currently seeking experienced care managers for immediate full-time opportunities.


Tagged as: care manager



  •  Provide Care Management services for patients in the community who require more complete and comprehensive psychosocial assessments, including Social Determinants of Health ·
  • Will follow the evidence-based four-phase CTI approach over the course of nine months
  • Follow each patient’s discharge from emergency services, identifying transition points between phases and utilizing community resources to ready patients for discharge from the CTI Team ·
  • Assesses eligibility for and makes referrals for social services, community resources and other supports to facilitate goal achievement


  • BSW preferred, BA in related field ·
  • Care management and patient advocacy skills ·
  • Familiarity traveling around the community ·
  • Knowledgeable and investigative about financial entitlements, social and community resources
Job Overview
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